Women and Religion

Dear Tri-Faith Friends, 

Throughout the world women are seeking greater voice and representation in their religious lives and institutions.  This fall you have an opportunity to join a course at the University of Nebraska-Omaha – Women and Religion – taught by Dr. Jeannette Gabriel, Director of the Schwalb Center for Israel and Jewish Studies at UNO.   

The course will focus on the ways women experience intersections of power and oppression in Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism and Islam.   We will examine the historical, cultural, and religious contexts that highlight women’s involvement or exclusion from activity and power within each religion.

The course will provide opportunities to meet with local women religious leaders throughout Omaha. 

Community members can join the course through the Senior Passport program and UNO students can register for this course through MavLink.  UNO Senior Passport classes are open to community members who are 65 years and older.  The cost is $25 for up to two classes a semester.  You do not need to attend all the classes, your presence is always appreciated. 

The course will be given every Fall Semester through the Religious Studies and Women and Gender Studies Departments.  This semester it is an in-person course at UNO on Thursday evenings from 5:30 – 8:10 pm beginning on Thursday, August 26th and ending on December 16th.  There will be social distancing of six feet between students and masks will be required.   In Fall 2020, the Women and Religion class met with Islamic and Christian women refugees from Omaha and discussed their experiences.

If you are interested in participating, please email Dr. Gabriel at jgabriel@unomaha.edu for details and permission. 

Schwalb Center for Israel and Jewish Studies
University of Nebraska-Omaha

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Please contact us at any time:

Tri-Faith Initiative
13136 Faith Plaza
Omaha, NE 68144

Email: info@trifaith.org