MARCH 15: To-Gather RFP sent to AIA to share broadly
APRIL 7: Site selection process complete. Agreements signed with non-profit partners.
APRIL 7: Intent of architecture firms interest indicator due. Stipend request due from Architecture firms.
APRIL 10: Architecture firms notified of results of the review committee.
APRIL 15: Informational meeting via Zoom/Tri-Faith.
MAY 14: Deadline for submitting construction drawings and specifications for footings to review committee. Submit signed agreement confirming design with Tri-Faith and nonprofit partner.
MAY 28: Any feedback to teams from the review committee.
JUNE 21: Progress report due to review committee. Signed by Tri-Faith and nonprofit partners.
JULY 19-30: Installation of tables
JULY 19-AUGUST 1: To-Gather PR Campaign
AUGUST 1: Public dedication part of Tri-Faith Picnic on the Commons