Countryside Community Church

Countryside Community Church (CCC) is an inclusive, open and affirming family of faith, welcoming all to God’s table of love and acceptance. Its members are diverse, yet united by Christ’s example, caring for one another, supporting one another, and challenging one another to become all that God creates us to be.
The church was founded in Omaha in 1949 and is a part of the United Church of Christ, which is known as the oldest denomination in the United States (going back to the Pilgrims). Countryside’s Sunday worship service is held weekly at 10:00 AM in their sanctuary. All are welcome. Construction began in June of 2017, and the new church building opened its doors on April 7, 2019.
It is critical that we understand one another and resolve to get along with one another. We have to learn within our differences, and see the common ground we share.
Rev. Dr. Eric Elnes
Former Senior Minister
Countryside Community Church
Spread the Word