Islands of Sanity
Sierra Salgado Pirigyi
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Who are the people you go to first — with good news, for prayer requests, or to ask for advice?
My small group ranks high on that list for me.
Four women who were strangers in 2017 now make up my “Island of Sanity.” Meeting with them each week reminds me that I don’t have to walk life’s path alone, and that — in the wise words of Meg Wheatley — “Whatever the problem, community is the answer.”
I’ve participated in small group discussions for years, but I wasn’t familiar with the idea of small groups as a hub for spiritual growth and connection until I participated in one myself. My small group formed within my church, so naturally faith was central to discussion. It quickly became a space in which I could be authentic and vulnerable — a space in which I could ask questions, share my hopes and fears, and continue to grow in both my faith and in my understanding of others.
Our small group was created to meet once a week for five weeks. Almost five years later, we are still meeting.
That’s why I’m so excited for Neighbor to Neighbor (N2N) to relaunch.
I want YOU to find an interfaith small group space that matters just as much.
Tri-Faith is built on community, and community is built upon one-on-one and small group interactions. We learn and grow the most together when we open ourselves up to being radically present, no matter how hard the conversation. Countering stereotypes and building a better world require our commitment to each other.
Neighbor to Neighbor is our interfaith version of small groups. N2N your opportunity to connect, learn about other faiths, and share personal stories through regular small group meetings. We don’t expect you to meet every week for five years — but our hope is that you enjoy your meetings so much that you might!
We also hope that N2N small groups help generate ideas that shape our work at Tri-Faith. We want our Neighbors to tell us your stories, hopes, and ideas — for Tri-Faith programs as well as for common action that contribute to healing the world.
Cultivating Islands of Sanity for ourselves is crucial to organizing from a place of love, understanding, and empathy.
Come meet your neighbors and take an active part in this work.
Spread the Word